Monday, July 27, 2009


这是这部落格的第一篇文章。首先,我要谢谢陈健翰老师帮我宣传这部落格,谢谢。虽然他把说成six sai >< 不过也不错,我们的班又有新的花名了。我要在此告诉大家,关于你们如何上帖。我个人觉得,你们可以打好文章先,然后email给我,我再帮你们post上来。至于老师们,我可能会先开放给你们进入此部落格,过后再考虑开放给我们的同学。原因是怕同学们突然间发傻,把全部东西洗掉,我不是GG了?不要小看我们班的人=.=虽然是18岁,不过思想就不如18岁咯,很难说的拉。我写部落格只有一个月的经验罢了,所以你们有什么更好的建议可以向我提出。请各位帅哥美女们多多指教,给与我意见及批评,千万不要对我作出人身攻击T.T你们对这部落格的运作方式,设计等之类的问题都可以大胆的提出,我会很乐意接受你们的意见,不要害羞。在这里就像是一家人将和和气气相处在一起XD那我是希望各位能给与配合,把部落格搞起来。有兴趣帮忙管理这部落格的人可以通知我。记得大大大大大大大力帮我宣传,把你的朋友都拉来这里一起分享大家的趣事。谢谢。希望同学们和老师可以踊跃参与,至于马来文老师和英文老师该怎么办?=.=ll谁得空帮我翻译?不然谁要写马来和英文版?然后有兴趣弄部落格的人可以请教我和泥的朋友,你们方便把你们的部落格写给我吗?我要link全班人,老师也要多多参与哦



ホリデラゴン said...

~The First Day Of Grand Opening~

This is the first article of this blog. First of all, i wanted to thanks Mr Tan Jian Han (*is this how his name spelled?)to help me promote this blog, Thanks.Although he said it as Six Sai (*which is eat shit in cantonese and Hokkien.) but its nice too as our class have a new nickname. I want to tell everybody right here, about how you guys are going to post articles.i personally think that you can finish typing the article first, then email to me, and i will help you to post it up.To teachers.i may give permissions to enter this blog,and only then consider opening it to our students.The reason is fear of students who suddenly gone mad and delete everything up, then im in big trouble.Do not look down on our class=.=although its only 18 years old, but the mental age is not 18,well its hard to predict.i only have experience which is 1 months long in writing blogs, so if you guys have any good suggestion,please tell me. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give me your opinions and critics,dont offense me T.T your opinions about the way of working this blog or the design and etc. are all allowed to put here, i will gladly accept the opinions, dont be shy.Its like a family being together peacefully XD Im hoping everybody's cooperates,to build up this blog.Those who interest in managing this blog can contact me. Please remember to try your best to help me promote this blog,bring your friends here to share everybody's interesting and funny stories. Thanks.Hope students and teachers can actively participate into,well...what should we do about Malay Teachers and English teacher?=.=ll who is free to help me translate it?or who wanted to write in malay and english?then those who interest in making a blog can ask me and your friends, are you guys ok to write your blogs to me? I wanted to link everybody in class, teacher must participate alot too~~

Final remind to everybody to remember reply after watching this!!

phew... it sure takes me some times to do this job...
Please correct it yourself if theres any mistake...
Strongly request for pro's help too!
o yar... link my blog~~

Bryan said...

7 pro..。有人翻译咧。。。


BTW,如果要翻译很麻烦的咧,连comment都得翻译咩 -.-

ホリデラゴン said...

who cares about the comments? =_=
if they duwan to type in english...
then just dont...

i will definitely type in english as it is international language...
so its fair for everybody~~ xD


momo said...

Mr. Chin will not visit this blog de la since he said computer games and internet ruin our chong hwa school boys and girls
u might wan to try terjemahan although i dont think asiqin will come~

Jack Chong said...

Ya...He said:"I know you always busy with your Math,Physics,Science subject...and your(God Dammit) computer games is more important,死马骝干!"

Unisa ID : 110057249 said...

hope this blog can last forever

dun just becz u are addicted to blogging now so keep blogging

after few months ..
mayb u will think that blogging is an exhausted action

hope u can keep it as long as u can

and the class student too

momo said...


PiG said...

if u all wish this blog to be last longer then u all must help me to promote ><
if u all support this blog
i m glad to make this blog till i die
but all ppl giv me lemon then i don wan do le T.T
so any sugest to let u all post ur comment ? no 1 really ans my question =.=

ホリデラゴン said...

dont really have any idea better than yours...
---Email to you---

well... DONT ever give them to do it themselves.. it might ruined...

Bryan said...


PiG said...

know talk duno do = 0
duno talk know do = 0
know talk know do = 100 ><